Remembering our Newfoundland Mercy Story 18:
Sr Joseph Nugent on her Anniversary

On June 17 we remember a true Mercy heroine –Sister M. Joseph Nugent, who died on this day in 1847. Sister M. Joseph was the lone companion of Sister M. Francis Creedon from the time of the departure of Sisters Ursula and M. Rose in November of 1843 until her untimely death in 1847.

These two great women of Mercy faithfully carried out the works of Mercy as if there were dozens of sisters in the Newfoundland Mercy community – continuing in school and visiting the sick and poverty-stricken in their homes and in St. John’s Hospital (located near present-day Victoria Park). In June of 1947 when St. John’s was in the throes of a severe typhus epidemic, they closed school and devoted themselves entirely to visiting and caring for the sick. It was at St. John’s Hospital that Sister M. Joseph caught the dreaded fever from a young seaman who was suffering great physical and spiritual anguish. Despite the medical services of physicians and the loving care of Sister M. Francis, Sister M. Joseph died after two weeks of suffering the torments of the disease. She was 48 years of age and had only been a Sister of Mercy for four years.

In The Newfoundlander of June 24, 1847, we read of her as follows:

in the whole community it would be difficult to point to a life of more importance to the spiritual and temporal interests of the  juvenile portion of our Catholic population, while to the more matured as well as to the sick and infirm of both sexes, her devotedness in administering to the comforts of the diseased whether of mind or body, could only be surpassed by the untiring assiduity in which her heart and soul were engaged.

We are blessed to have had such a faith-filled, trusting and mission-focused woman as Sister M. Joseph Nugent.  We thank God for her and for our many Mercy ancestorsfor the wonderful legacy of Mercy that we have inherited.

  • More about Sr M Joseph can be found here

El 17 de junio recordamos a una verdadera heroína de la Misericordia: la Hermana M. Joseph Nugent, que murió tal día como hoy en 1847. La Hermana M. Joseph fue la única compañera de la Hermana M. Francis Creedon desde la partida de las Hermanas Ursula y M. Rose en noviembre de 1843 hasta su prematura muerte en 1847.

Estas dos grandes mujeres de la Misericordia llevaron a cabo fielmente las obras de Misericordia como si hubiera docenas de hermanas en la comunidad de la Misericordia de Terranova – continuando en la escuela y visitando a los enfermos y pobres en sus casas y en el Hospital de San Juan (situado cerca del actual Victoria Park). En junio de 1947, cuando St. John’s estaba sumida en una grave epidemia de tifus, cerraron la escuela y se dedicaron por completo a visitar y cuidar a los enfermos. Fue en el hospital St. John’s donde la hermana M. Joseph contrajo la temida fiebre de un joven marino que sufría una gran angustia física y espiritual. A pesar de los servicios médicos de los doctores y de los cariñosos cuidados de la Hermana M. Francis, la Hermana M. Joseph murió después de dos semanas de sufrir los tormentos de la enfermedad. Tenía 48 años y sólo llevaba cuatro como Hermana de la Misericordia.

En The Newfoundlander del 24 de junio de 1847, leemos de ella lo siguiente:

... en toda la comunidad sería difícil señalar una vida de más importancia para los intereses espirituales y temporales de la porción juvenil de nuestra población católica, mientras que para los más maduros, así como para los enfermos de ambos sexos, su devoción en la administración de las comodidades de los enfermos ya sea de mente o cuerpo, sólo podría ser superada por la incansable asiduidad en la que su corazón y alma estaban comprometidos.

Somos bendecidos por haber tenido una mujer tan llena de fe, confiada y centrada en la misión como la Hermana M. Joseph Nugent. Damos gracias a Dios por ella y por nuestros muchos antepasados de la Misericordia por el maravilloso legado de la Misericordia que hemos heredado.

  • Más información sobre la Hna. M Joseph aquí



Anniversary of Arrival of Sisters of Mercy in St. John’s
– 3 June 1842

June 3,1842 marks the beginning of a wonderful story – a story of deep faith, abiding trust, courageous action and steadfast commitment.

Arrival of Mercy Sisters on the ship Sir Walter Scott in St John’s Harbour, 3 June 1842

On that day, three young Irish women Sisters Francis CreedonUrsula Frayne and Rose Lynch  arrived in St. John’s to establish a mission that would overcome almost insurmountable difficulties to root Mercy in harsh Newfoundland soil. We thank God for these women of Mercy as we continue to journey in their footsteps.

  • Join us in prayer of gratitude today using this reflection
  • Learn more about that first foundation here


El 3 de junio de 1842 marca el comienzo de una historia maravillosa – una historia de fe profunda, confianza permanente, acción valiente y compromiso firme.

Ese día, tres jóvenes irlandesas, las Hermanas Francis Creedon, Ursula Frayne y Rose Lynch, llegaron a St. John’s para establecer una misión que superaría dificultades casi insuperables para arraigar la Misericordia en el duro suelo de Terranova. Damos gracias a Dios por estas mujeres de la Misericordia mientras seguimos caminando tras sus huellas.

  • Únete hoy a nosotras en oración de gratitud usando esta reflexión
  • Aprende más sobre esa primera fundación aquí

Remembering Our Newfoundland Mercy Story 17:
Sister M. Patrick O’Farrell

Margaret O’Farrell was born in County Tipperary in November of 1841, the only daughter of Mary and Patrick O’Farrell. She arrived in St. John’s on March 17,1865 to enter the Sisters of Mercy. 

At her reception into the Novitiate on August 2 of that same year she received the name Sister Mary Patrick Ligouri. A local newspaper, The Newfoundlander, in its August 3,1865 issue, reported on her Reception Ceremony, noting that a couple of her brothers “our respected townsmen, the Messrs. Farrell” had emigrated to Newfoundland from Ireland and were well established in the business community of St. John’s by the time their sister arrived.

After her profession, Sister M. Patrick spent most of her religious life teaching at St. Bridget’s School in the east end of St. John’s and at St. Peter’s School on Queen Street. Both of these schools were under the care of the Sisters at Mercy Convent and the sisters would have made the daily walk to and from school in all kinds of weathers.

In August of 1884 Sister M. Patrick’s niece, Mary O’Farrell (later known as Sister Genevieve) arrived in St. John’s to enter the Sisters of Mercy. Sister M. Patrick had left Ireland before Mary had been born. Sadly, the two had little opportunity to spend much time with one another, as Sister M. Patrick died on May 10, 1885. Her obituary notice in The Evening Telegram of May 18 1885 speaks of her as follows:

                      She ministered consolation to many a poor sick  death-stricken family,
as well as imparted the gift of
 a religious education
to the destitute and the poor.

Margaret O’Farrell nació en el condado de Tipperary en noviembre de 1841, hija única de Mary y Patrick O’Farrell. Llegó a St. John’s el 17 de marzo de 1865 para ingresar en las Hermanas de la Misericordia.

En su recepción en el noviciado, el 2 de agosto de ese mismo año, recibió el nombre de Hermana Mary Patrick Ligouri. Un periódico local, The Newfoundlander, en su edición del 3 de agosto de 1865, informó sobre su ceremonia de recepción, señalando que un par de sus hermanos “nuestros respetados vecinos, los señores Farrell” habían emigrado a Terranova desde Irlanda y estaban bien establecidos en la comunidad empresarial de St.

Después de su profesión, la hermana M. Patrick pasó la mayor parte de su vida religiosa enseñando en la escuela de Santa Brígida, en el extremo este de San Juan, y en la escuela de San Pedro, en Queen Street. Ambas escuelas estaban bajo el cuidado de las Hermanas del Convento de la Misericordia y las hermanas habrían hecho la caminata diaria hacia y desde la escuela en todo tipo de climas.

En agosto de 1884, la sobrina de la Hermana M. Patrick, Mary O’Farrell (más tarde conocida como la Hermana Genevieve) llegó a St. La Hermana M. Patrick había dejado Irlanda antes de que naciera Mary. Lamentablemente, las dos tuvieron pocas oportunidades de pasar mucho tiempo juntas, ya que la Hermana M. Patrick murió el 10 de mayo de 1885. Su nota necrológica en The Evening Telegram del 18 de mayo de 1885 habla de ella de la siguiente manera:

Consoló a muchas familias pobres, enfermas y afligidas por la muerte,
así como impartió el don de una educación religiosa
a los indigentes y a los pobres.

Feast of the Annunciation – April 8

Normally, the Feast of the Annunciation is celebrated annually on 25 March. This year, however, because 25 March fell during Holy Week, the feast is celebrated on the Monday of the second week of Easter – 8 April.

This event is described in the Gospel of Luke, Chapter 1, verses 26-38.

Sr Elizabeth was invited by Redemptorist TV some years ago to record a series on Mary. Among these is the video “Mary of the Annunciation and Pentecost” (5:40). You might like to use this video for reflection on the meaning and significance of today’s feast.

The complete series of 14 videos can be watched here

Normalmente, la fiesta de la Anunciación se celebra cada año el 25 de marzo. Este año, sin embargo, debido a que el 25 de marzo cayó en Semana Santa, la fiesta se celebra el lunes de la segunda semana de Pascua, el 8 de abril.

Este acontecimiento se describe en el Evangelio de Lucas, capítulo 1, versículos 26-38.

Hace algunos años, Sor Isabel fue invitada por Redemptorist TV a grabar una serie sobre María. Entre ellas se encuentra el vídeo “María de la Anunciación y Pentecostés” (5:40). Puede utilizar este vídeo para reflexionar sobre el sentido y el significado de la fiesta de hoy.

La serie completa de 14 vídeos puede verse aquí

Image: Henry Ossawa Tanner


World Day of Prayer for Vocations, 30 April

The Fourth Sunday of Easter, also known as Good Shepherd Sunday, has been celebrated as Vocation Sunday since 1964.

On this special day we are encouraged to pray for all members of the Church – religious, laity and priests – as we are all called to be missionary disciples of Jesus, the Good Shepherd, witnessing to His Gospel of Love and to building up His community of justice, peace and compassion.

‘Vocation is “the interplay between divine choice and human freedom”, a dynamic and exciting relationship between God and the human heart. The gift of vocation is like a divine seed that springs up in the soil of our existence, opens our hearts to God and to others, so that we can share with them the treasure we ourselves have found.’

-Pope Francis, ‘Message for the 2023 World Day of Prayer for Vocations’, 30 April 2023

Post your prayer in our sacred space

El cuarto domingo de Pascua, también conocido como Domingo del Buen Pastor, se celebra desde 1964 como Domingo de las Vocaciones.

En este día especial se nos anima a rezar por todos los miembros de la Iglesia -religiosos, laicos y sacerdotes-, ya que todos estamos llamados a ser discípulos misioneros de Jesús, el Buen Pastor, dando testimonio de su Evangelio del Amor y a construir su comunidad de justicia, paz y compasión.

 ‘La vocación es «el entramado entre elección divina y libertad humana, una relación dinámica y estimulante que tiene como interlocutores a Dios y al corazón humano. Así, el don de la vocación es como una semilla divina que brota en el terreno de nuestra vida, nos abre a Dios y nos abre a los demás para compartir con ellos el tesoro encontrado.’

-Papa Francisco, ‘Mensaje para la Jornada Mundial de Oración por las Vocaciones 2023‘, 30 de abril de 2023

Publica tu oración en nuestro espacio sagrado


St Joseph the Worker, 1 May

1 May is celebrated as the Feast of St. Joseph the Worker. 

Joseph the Worker, the church of San Lorenzo in Florence.

This special feast was instituted in 1955 by Pope Pius X11 as a counter-celebration to the communist May Day. It celebrates the dignity of work and gives us an opportunity to acknowledge, pray for and express gratitude to all workers, especially those who are employed in our congregation and in our various ministries.

Thank you for your many and varied contributions to the congregation’s life and mission.

May 1 is also known as International Workers’ Day and in some countries, it is celebrated as Labor Day.

May St. Joseph, patron of workers, bless and protect all workers!

El 1 de mayo se celebra la fiesta de San José Obrero.

Esta fiesta especial fue instituida en 1955 por el Papa Pío X11 como contra-celebración del Primero de Mayo comunista. Se celebra la dignidad del trabajo y nos da la oportunidad de reconocer, orar y expresar gratitud a todos los trabajadores, especialmente a los que trabajan en nuestra congregación y en nuestros diversos ministerios.

Gracias por sus muchas y variadas contribuciones a la vida y misión de la congregación.

El 1 de mayo es también conocido como el Día Internacional de los Trabajadores y en algunos países se celebra como el Día del Trabajo.

Que San José, patrón de los trabajadores, bendiga y proteja a todos los trabajadores!

Reflections on Mary for the Month of May

In Catholic  tradition, the month of May is dedicated to Mary. In May three of her feasts are celebrated: Our Lady of Fatima on May 13th; Mary, Mother of the Church on May 29; the Visitation on May 31.

Some years ago, Elizabeth Davis rsm recorded a series of 13 video reflections for Redemptorist TV on aspects of Mary. You might like to watch one of more of these during May.

Mary as Woman of Nazareth

Mary, the woman we know as Mother of God, was one like us, a person who lived each day and faced the joys and the challenges of each day. We meet her first in Scripture as a frightened adolescent who is being asked to do an almost impossible thing. The last time we meet her in Scripture she is an older woman, more confident perhaps, yet still being asked to do an almost impossible thing

Watch the video

Mary as Miriam of Nazareth

In my home province of Newfoundland and Labrador, when anyone meets a stranger, the first questions are “What is your name and who are you called after?” and “Who are your parents?” The first page of our New Testament, the beginning words of the Gospel of Matthew, could well have been written by a Newfoundlander! In these words we find the answer to the same questions about Mary

Watch the video

Mary of the Annunciation and Pentecost

At the Annunciation, a young woman whose name is Mary is visited by an angel who tells her that she is to bear a son who will be special in many ways. When Mary challenges the possibility of this ever happening, the angel’s reply is decisive, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you” (Lk 1:35). With this assurance, the young woman replies, “Here am I, the servant of the Lord; let it be with me according to your word” (Lk 1:38)

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Mary of the Magnificat

Mary’s response was immediate. She spoke the most words spoken by any woman in the New Testament. She used echoes of words spoken by the women of the Old Testament: Deborah, Miriam and Hannah. In this song, she passionately gave what the theologian Edward Schillebeeckx called “a toast to our God,” which we call the Magnificat.

Watch the video

Mary as Displaced Person

In the days before Mary was to give birth, she and Joseph were forced to go to Bethlehem to be counted for the census. They had no choice in this matter. The late stages of Mary’s pregnancy and the difficult journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem did not matter to the political leadership of the day.

Watch the video

Mary as Mother of Sorrow

On another visit to the Temple to celebrate Passover when Jesus was twelve years old, Jesus remains behind and speaks with the teachers with authority, and then he says these mysterious words to his parents, “Did you not know that I had to be in my Father’s house?” This time the writer tells us that “His mother treasured all these things in her heart.”

Watch the video

Mary as Mother at the Wedding Feast

The young Jewish peasant girl has become a confident woman, a teacher, a mentor and a commanding presence. She has grown into her calling to be a partner with God in the work of Incarnation and Redemption. Having given life to her son, she now calls him into his new life of public ministry, she remains with him to support and nurture him to the end, and she will remain when he is gone to support and nurture the church which continues his presence on earth.

Watch the video

Mary and God

“Spirituality is that which gives us the strength to go on for it is the assurance that God is in the struggle. Spirituality spells out our connectedness to God, our human roots, the rest of nature, one another and ourselves.” In this way in 1994 the Third World Theologians redefined spirituality and began our thinking on “right relationships.”

Watch the video

Mary and the Environment

Let us reflect on Mary in right relationship with the environment. First we must speak to our emerging understanding of ecology, a new sense of how all creation has been created by God, is good and is interconnected. In the 13th century Meister Eckhart said, “Apprehend God in all things, for God is in all things. Every single creature is full of God and is a book about God. Every creature is a word of God.”

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Mary and Self

There are several beautiful passages in the Gospels in which we get an understanding of Mary’s sense of self. At the Annunciation, we see Mary’s poignant inner turmoil in the face of an awesome task being asked of her, “But she was much perplexed by his words and pondered what sort of greeting this might be” (Luke 1:29). She then asks outright the question, “How can this be, since I am a virgin?” (Luke 1:34)

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Mary and Right Relationships: Family

These women ancestors of Jesus suffer indignities and oppression, but live to reflect the face of God, the righteous One, the merciful One, the maternal One, the One who is found in the company of those who are marginalized, oppressed, suffering, poor and powerless. Jesus, the son of Mary, has indeed inherited the qualities of his foremothers.

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Mary and Right Relationships: Others

The beautiful prayer of the Magnificat which Luke ascribes to Mary is a powerful description of Mary in right relationship with other people. While the first part of her psalm focuses on Mary in relationship with her God, the second part expresses Mary’s love for people. Mary rejoices in God her Saviour because God‘s mercy is from generation to generation.

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Mary and Right Relationships: Faith Tradition

Mary was first and foremost a Jewish woman, a practicing Jew who remained faithful to Judaism. She would have been aware of the Hebrew Scriptures, the sacred books she called Torah and we Christians call the Old Testament. She bears the name of the leader Miriam about whom God said in the book of Micah (6:4), “I brought you up from the land of Egypt, and redeemed you from the house of slavery; and I sent before you Moses, Aaron, and Miriam

Watch the video

Each week  on our website Elizabeth Davis rsm provides a written reflection on the Sunday readings. These reflections contain insights and images, poetry and prose, wisdom and scholarship. Access those reflections here


Explore the Readings of the Easter Season

Each week on our website Elizabeth Davis rsm provides a written reflection on the Sunday readings. These reflections contain insights and images, poetry and prose, wisdom and scholarship.

Sister Elizabeth’s reflections are published online in the Spirituality section under the appropriate liturgical season. They can be read online or downloaded.

As we journey through the Easter Season, Sr Elizabeth will open up for us these scripture readings in a fresh way using modern biblical scholarship.

We invite you to join us in this exploration here

Cada semana, Elizabeth Davis rsm ofrece en nuestro sitio web una reflexión escrita sobre las lecturas del domingo. Estas reflexiones contienen ideas e imágenes, poesía y prosa, sabiduría y erudición.

Las reflexiones de la Hermana Elizabeth se publican en línea en la sección Espiritualidad bajo el tiempo litúrgico correspondiente. Pueden leerse en línea o descargarse.

A medida que avanzamos en el tiempo de Pascua, la Hermana Elizabeth nos abrirá estas lecturas de las Escrituras de una manera fresca, utilizando la erudición bíblica moderna.

Les invitamos a unirse a nosotros en esta exploración aquí


Reflections for Passion (Palm) Sunday, 2 April 2023. Reflexiones para el Domingo de la Pasión, 2 abril 2023

Palm and Passion, trust in what is false or trust in an ever-faithful God, the gift of words and story, eco-memory – so many threads are woven through the tapestry that is the Liturgy of the Word for our Holy Week now unfolding. This Sunday is the transition moment to the final steps to transformation which will emerge next Sunday – Easter Sunday.

We begin our liturgy today with Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem, as the people shout, “Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest heaven!” (Matt 21:9). The people were rejoicing in the coming of the Messiah, but they were placing all their hopes in a Messiah who was a king, a mighty and powerful leader, certainly not a Messiah who was a suffering servant, who would die by the lowest form of death possible – crucifixion. They were right to trust in this Prophet Jesus from Nazareth in Galilee. They were mistaken in understanding how this Prophet, this Son of David, this one who was coming in the name of the Lord, would lead them into new life. These same people, when their hopes seem lost, mock Jesus and choose the man Barabbas over him…

Read the rest of Sr Elizabeth’s Reflection (PDF)

Ramos y Pasión, confianza en lo falso o confianza en un Dios siempre fiel, el don de la palabra y de la historia, la ecomemoria… son muchos los hilos que se entretejen a través del tapiz que es la Liturgia de la Palabra para nuestra Semana Santa que ahora se desarrolla. Este domingo es el momento de transición hacia los pasos finales de la transformación que se producirá el próximo domingo: el Domingo de Resurrección.

Comenzamos nuestra liturgia de hoy con la entrada de Jesús en Jerusalén, mientras el pueblo grita: “¡Hosanna al Hijo de David! ¡Bendito el que viene en nombre del Señor! Hosanna en las alturas”. (Mt 21,9). El pueblo se regocijaba por la venida del Mesías, pero ponía todas sus esperanzas en un Mesías que era un rey, un líder poderoso, y no en un Mesías que era un siervo sufriente, que moriría con la forma más baja de muerte posible: la crucifixión. Tenían razón al confiar en este Profeta Jesús de Nazaret de Galilea. Se equivocaron al comprender cómo este Profeta, este Hijo de David, este que venía en nombre del Señor, les conduciría a una vida nueva. Estas mismas personas, cuando sus esperanzas parecen perdidas, se burlan de Jesús y eligen al hombre Barrabás en vez de a él…

Leer el resto de la reflexión de Sor Elizabeth (PDF)