World Week for Peace in Palestine and Israel -16-22 September

The World Council of Churches (WCC) is inviting all people of good will to express their support for the 2024 World Week for Peace in Palestine and Israel, 16-22 September 2024. This World Week for Peace in Palestine and Israel includes the UN International Day of Peace on 21 September with its theme “Cultivating a Culture of Peace”.

Join with us and the World Council of Churches in praying  this prayer for peace during the World Week of Peace in Palestine and Israel:

“God of love and justice,
send your spirit of love and reconciliation into our hearts,
so we have the courage to uphold the sanctity of life,
see the beauty of all human beings created in your image
and overcome all hate,

God of reconciliation,
send your spirit of wisdom and prudence
into the hearts of those in power
that a just and sustainable peace
with room for a good life for both Palestinians and Israelis
may become possible.”


  • Find out more here
  • Additional resources can be accessed here
  • Post your own prayer here

El Consejo Mundial de Iglesias (CMI) invita a todas las personas de buena voluntad a expresar su apoyo a la Semana Mundial por la Paz en Palestina e Israel, que se celebrará del 16 al 22 de septiembre de 2024. Esta Semana Mundial por la Paz en Palestina e Israel incluye el Día Internacional de la Paz de las Naciones Unidas, el 21 de septiembre, con su tema «Cultivar una cultura de paz».

Únase a nosotros y al Consejo Mundial de Iglesias en esta oración por la paz durante la Semana Mundial por la Paz en Palestina e Israel:

«Dios de amor y justicia
envía a nuestros corazones tu espíritu de amor y reconciliación
para que tengamos el valor de defender la santidad de la vida,
veamos la belleza de todos los seres humanos creados a tu imagen
y superar todo odio,

Dios de la reconciliación,
envía tu espíritu de sabiduría y prudencia
en el corazón de los gobernantes
que una paz justa y duradera
con espacio para una buena vida tanto para palestinos como para israelíes
sea posible».


  • Más información aquí
  • Puede acceder a recursos adicionales aquí
  • Publique su propia oración aquí


International Literacy Day – September 8

In 1966 UNESCO declared September 8 as a day of global observance to raise awareness of the importance of literacy for creating a more equitable, peaceful and sustainable society.

Literacy is a fundamental human right, but there are significant literacy challenges being faced locally and globally. In 2022 it was estimated that 765 million adults and youth lack basic literacy skills.

The theme for this years’ Internation Literacy Day – promoting multilingual education: literacy for mutual understanding and peace – attempts to address this huge challenge.

En 1966, la UNESCO declaró el 8 de septiembre día de observancia mundial para concienciar sobre la importancia de la alfabetización para crear una sociedad más equitativa, pacífica y sostenible.

La alfabetización es un derecho humano fundamental, pero a nivel local y mundial se plantean importantes retos en este ámbito. En 2022 se estimaba que 765 millones de adultos y jóvenes carecían de competencias básicas en lectura, escritura y cálculo.

El tema del Día Internacional de la Alfabetización de este año -promover la educación multilingüe: alfabetización para el entendimiento mutuo y la paz– trata de abordar este enorme desafío.


September Associates Newsletter Now online

Kitty’s Chronicle” is a monthly newsletter distributed to all Mercy Associates. Each month the latest  issue is posted online in the Associates section of our website. The newsletter contains news and views, requests for prayers and material for reflection.

Prayers for the Sick, Resources from the Wisdom Circles, Items of Interest, Important Dates,  Women in Canadian History and a delicious Broccoli Cheddar soup recipe are among the many topics covered in our latest issue.

A feature of this month’s issue are two new sections, “The Archival Moment” and “In the Spotlight…”

Visit the Associates section of our website to find out about Becoming an Associate and the Associate Program.

Pope Francis’ September Prayer Intention “For the cry of the Earth”. Intención de oración Papa Francesco “Por el clamor de la Tierra”

“Do we hear the pain of the millions of victims of environmental catastrophes?”

This is one of the questions Pope Francis asks us in the month of September, the Season of Creation,as we pray for the cry of the Earth.

Let us pray that each of us listen with our hearts to the cry of the Earth and of the victims of environmental disasters and the climate crisis, making a personal commitment to care for the world we inhabit.

Post your prayer in our sacred space here.

SEPTEMBER | For the cry of the Earth

«¿Escuchamos el dolor de los millones de víctimas de las catástrofes medioambientales?».

Esta es una de las preguntas que nos hace el Papa Francisco en el mes de septiembre, Tiempo de la Creación,mientras rezamos por el grito de la Tierra.

Oremos para que cada uno de nosotros escuche con el corazón el clamor de la Tierra y, de las víctimas de las catástrofes ambientales y de la crisis climática, comprometiéndonos personalmente a cuidar el mundo que habitamos.

Publica tu oración en nuestro espacio sagrado aquí

SEPTEMBER | For the cry of the Earth

Celebrating the Season of Creation 2024

This year’s Season of Creation begins on Sunday, September 1 and ends on Friday, October 4, the feast of St. Francis of Assisi.

This special season calls the whole human family to unite for the global celebration of prayer and action to protect our common home.In 2024 we unite around the theme To Hope and act with Creation using the symbol “The first fruits of Hope” inspired by Romans 8:19-25. In a world where many people are living in hopelessness, anxiety and fear, we are being called to ground ourselves in a hope that involves collective action, a hope that is centered in God’s promises and in God’s call to care for all of Creation.

We will be adding  six reflections on the Season of Creation for:

  • September 1 (the opening day of celebration)
  • September 8, 15, 22, 29  (each of the following four weeks)
  • October 4 (the closing day of celebration – Feast of St. Francis of Assisi).

Let us renew our relationship with our Creator and Creation through celebration, conversion and commitment.

La Temporada de la Creación de este año comienza el domingo 1 de septiembre y termina el viernes 4 de octubre, fiesta de San Francisco de Asís.

Este tiempo especial convoca a toda la familia humana a unirse en una celebración mundial de oración y acción para proteger nuestro hogar común. En 2024 nos unimos en torno al tema Esperar y actuar con la Creación utilizando el símbolo «Las primicias de la Esperanza» inspirado en Romanos 8:19-25. En un mundo en el que muchas personas viven en la desesperanza, la ansiedad
En un mundo en el que muchas personas viven en la desesperanza, la ansiedad y el miedo, estamos llamados a cimentarnos en una esperanza que implica la acción colectiva, una esperanza centrada en las promesas de Dios y en la llamada de Dios a cuidar de toda la Creación.

Añadiremos seis reflexiones sobre el Tiempo de la Creación para:

  • 1 de septiembre (día inaugural de la celebración)
  • 8, 15, 22 y 29 de septiembre (cada una de las cuatro semanas siguientes)
  • 4 de octubre (día de clausura de la celebración – Fiesta de San Francisco de Asís).

Renovemos nuestra relación con el Creador y la Creación mediante la celebración, la conversión y el compromiso.

World Humanitarian Day – August 19

World Humanitarian Day is a day of awareness intended to recognize aid workers who risk and sometimes lose their lives in assisting people affected by various global crises. It also honors all aid and health workers who continue to go to the aid of suffering people, despite the dangers they would have to face.

The theme for this year, Act for Humanity, focuses on addressing the alarming rise in attacks on humanitarian workers around the world.

In celebration of World Humanitarian Day on Monday, 19 August 2024, the UN Chamber Music Society of the United Nations Staff Recreation Council (UNCMS), will pay special tribute to the real-life heroes from the United Nations and other humanitarian organizations, who have committed their lives to helping others in the most extreme circumstances throughout the world

Watch the performance

El Día Mundial de la Asistencia Humanitaria es una jornada de sensibilización destinada a reconocer a los trabajadores humanitarios que arriesgan y a veces pierden la vida al ayudar a las personas afectadas por diversas crisis mundiales. También rinde homenaje a todos los trabajadores humanitarios y sanitarios que siguen acudiendo en ayuda de las personas que sufren, a pesar de los peligros a los que tendrían que enfrentarse.

El lema de este año, Act for Humanity, se centra en abordar el alarmante aumento de los ataques contra trabajadores humanitarios en todo el mundo.

Para celebrar el Día Mundial de la Asistencia Humanitaria el lunes 19 de agosto de 2024, la Sociedad de Música de Cámara de las Naciones Unidas del Consejo de Recreación del Personal de las Naciones Unidas (UNCMS), rendirá un homenaje especial a los héroes de la vida real de las Naciones Unidas y otras organizaciones humanitarias, que han comprometido sus vidas a ayudar a los demás en las circunstancias más extremas en todo el mundo.


Urgent: Join Us in Praying for Peace on 15 August

Let us each pray for peace through the intercession of Mary on her special feast!

Israel has agreed to send negotiators to a new round of talks over a ceasefire and hostage release deal, after a diplomatic push from the United States, Egypt and Qatar.

The three nations released a joint statement on Thursda, 8 August, pushing for the talks to take place between Israel and Hamas on 15 August in Doha or Cairo.  The statement said a “framework agreement” was ready and that it had “only the details of implementation left to conclude”.

Post your prayer in our sacred space

Recemos cada uno de nosotros por la paz a través de la intercesión de María en su fiesta especial.

Israel ha aceptado enviar negociadores a una nueva ronda de conversaciones sobre un alto el fuego y la liberación de rehenes, tras el impulso diplomático de Estados Unidos, Egipto y Qatar.

Las tres naciones publicaron el jueves una declaración conjunta en la que abogaban por que las conversaciones entre Israel y Hamás tuvieran lugar el 15 de agosto en Doha o El Cairo. Hamás aún no ha respondido. En la declaración se afirmaba que estaba listo un “acuerdo marco” y que “sólo quedaban por concluir los detalles de su aplicación”.

Publique su oración en nuestro espacio sagrado


August Associates Newsletter Now Online

Kitty’s Chronicle” is a monthly newsletter distributed to all Mercy Associates. Each month the latest  issue is posted online in the Associates section of our website. The newsletter contains news and views, requests for prayers and material for reflection.

Prayers for the Sick, Resources from the Wisdom Circles, Items of Interest, Important Dates,  Women in Canadian History and a delicious Cranberry lemon loaf recipe are among the many topics covered in our latest issue.

A feature of this month’s issue is “Places to Go” including a recommendation for  “Beyond Van Gogh: The Immersive Experience”.

Visit the Associates section of our website to find out about Becoming an Associate and the Associate Program.

International Day of Indigenous Peoples – August 9

The global observance of International Indigenous Peoples Day, designated by a resolution of the UN General Assembly, takes place annually on August 9.This day celebrates the world’s indigenous populations and aims to protect their rights, their languages and their cultures.

Indigenous Peoples live in all regions of the world. Numbering nearly 500 million and encompassing 5000 different cultures, they represent the greater part of the world’s cultural diversity. Despite differences in language and customs, indigenous peoples around the world face many common problems related to the protection of their rights as distinct peoples – extreme poverty, unemployment, marginalization and a variety of human rights violations.

Video message by UN Secretary-General, António Guterres, on the International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples.

La celebración mundial del Día Internacional de los Pueblos Indígenas, designado por resolución de la Asamblea General de la ONU, tiene lugar anualmente el 9 de agosto. Este día celebra a las poblaciones indígenas del mundo y pretende proteger sus derechos, sus lenguas y sus culturas.

Los pueblos indígenas viven en todas las regiones del mundo. Con cerca de 500 millones de personas y 5000 culturas diferentes, representan la mayor parte de la diversidad cultural del mundo. A pesar de sus diferencias lingüísticas y de costumbres, los pueblos indígenas de todo el mundo se enfrentan a muchos problemas comunes relacionados con la protección de sus derechos como pueblos distintos: pobreza extrema, desempleo, marginación y diversas violaciones de los derechos humanos.


Announcing Mercy Wellsprings ~ Fuentes de la Misericordia

… from the depths of the mystery of God, the great river of mercy wells up and overflows unceasingly. It is a spring that will never run dry, no matter how many people draw from it. Every time someone is in need, he or she can approach it, because the mercy of God never ends. The profundity of the mystery surrounding it is as inexhaustible as the richness which springs up from it.
Misericordiae Vultus #25 Pope Francis

Mercy Wellsprings, Incorporated

In 2024 there are seven ministries sponsored by and reporting to the Congregational Leadership Team: St. Patrick’s Mercy Home, St. Patrick’s Mercy Home Foundation, St. Clare’s Mercy Hospital Advisory Council, The Gathering Place, Mercy Centre for Ecology and Justice, Belvedere Orphanage Fund and Misericordia Mission Fund. Most of these ministries have legal status according to the Companies Act (Province of Newfoundland and Labrador), have a Board of Directors and a certain level of autonomy in the governance and management of their specific activities. Some have charitable status according to Canadian Federal standards.

As the members of the Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy of Newfoundland increase in age and diminish in numbers, the Congregation, in conversation with colleagues, has been engaged in a discernment process regarding the future. A decision was made by the general assembly of the sisters, the 22 General Chapter (2021), to establish a legal entity that would oversee and carry out the governance of the various “sponsored ministries” of the Congregation. That entity, a legal corporation, was registered on August 10, 2023 as Mercy Wellsprings, Incorporated.

Executive Director Appointed

Effective 29 July 2024, the Board of Directors of Mercy Wellsprings has appointed Ms. Susan Elliott MBA (Hons) as the first Executive Director.

Susan is delighted to join the Sisters of Mercy and their partners in ministry in this new venture of Mercy Wellsprings, Inc.   As Executive Director she will lead the new corporation in guiding the function and operation of the ministries of the Sisters of Mercy into the future.  She is entrusted with this task in collaboration with the Sisters and with the wonderful men and women who hold leadership roles in each of the ministries today and onwards.

Board of Directors Confirmed

The Board of Directors oversee the governance and operations of Mercy Wellsprings – appointed by the Members for set terms of office​.

Board of Directors
Seated (L-R): Sr. Elizabeth Davis, Sr. Diane Smyth, Hon. George Furey, Ms. Meghan Gardner
Standing (L-R): Mr. Brent Meade, Mr. Jim Meaney, Ms. Ann Manning

More informatiuon about Mercy Wellsprings can be read here