Archive Prayers

Inacio and Jennifer Noronha Please pray for our blessings peace and joy let the cases fixed on Inacio and Jennifer Noronha and others be cleared let vuccs management auditors cases clear let Dylan Rifa Rita Henry Jennifer Inacio roy Camilo be blessed protected saved excellent let Inacio Noronha Dylan Noronha and Jennifer Noronha unity be blessed protected saved excellent as clarinda Noronha husband Dylan inlaw Jennifer and Inacio Noronha let clarinda Noronha be moved to her Mumbai house immediately as
Sue P Please pray for a safe and painfree delivery and a healthy child. Thank you.
Deepak Dey Please pray for the healing of Deepak's mental illness. Thank you.
Charles Opara Dear sisters Please remember me in your prayers. I lost my job 7 years ago. All my efforts to secure a new job failed. This has brought untold hardship to my family. Please pray for me for God's divine intervention in my trials.
Cullen creel Please praise for Cullen Creel.
Antonio For the eternal repose of my deceased grandmother Maria and all my deceased relatives, that their souls may rest in peace!
Anonymous God, You always know what was happened because You see everything a most hidden corner , I come with a broken heart,. God if you deign, please God soften and touch damianus aditya christie heart for me.
David Dear God, we pray for David's family. May you bless all of us and everyone joining in this intention with good health, prosperity, abundance and protection always. AMEN
Xavier Please pray for my special intention, i e., for a portion of my house to be saved from demolition.
Showing results 82 to 90 of 435 results