Mercy Global Presence Report

July 2, 2022

The Report on Mercy Global PresenceWeaving a New Fabric of Mercy Through Global Contemplation and Ecological Conversion’ is available for download in English and Spanish.

This report summarises the foundational steps which led to the Mercy Global Presence process – the Mercy International Research Conference, the Theological Advisory Commission proposal, and the Mercy International Reflection Process. It then outlines the process which unfolded. It contains details of each of the four segments and sixteen themes. It includes reflections from the participants on their experience and learnings from their active engagement in the process. It summarises the fruits of the six sets of regional gatherings. It also acknowledges the impact of the global pandemic on our world and, therefore, on Mercy Global Presence.

May your reading of this report be for you a catalyst in your own lived experience of mercying flowing from contemplative presence and flowing into contemplative presence. May it give you deeper insight into the beauty, the depth, the global reach, and the blessed moment in time that was Mercy International Association’s Mercy Global Presence process.

Download the reportEnglish: A4US LetterSpanish: A4US Letter