Our Ministry in Peru

September 24, 2017

The Sisters of Mercy of Newfoundland arrived in Peru in November 1961 – when a group of six sisters took the long journey to participate in the mission of the Archdiocese of St. John’s in Monsefu, Chiclayo.

Sisters of Mercy from Newfoundland and Peru now minister in two areas of the country – in Puerto Eten, Reque and Eten, in the Chiclayo region and in Huarmey, Casma, Ancash.  Eight sisters of the Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy of Newfoundland (including four native Peruvians) work with the people, especially poor people, in towns and small villages in these two regions of Peru.

The sisters in Peru work closely with the people in catechetics, adult education, and in the various aspects of parish and liturgical life. They serve as teachers, social workers, advocates and champions of social justice.

In 2017 devasting floods and rains destroyed large areas of Peru.  Damage in Huarmey was caused by overflowing rivers of water and mud that filled the streets and homes of the pueblos.  In Puerto Eten and area peoples’ homes did not have adequate roofing to keep out the rains.  Households were flooded and meager beds and furniture were destroyed.   The Sisters of Mercy and the Presentation Sisters in Newfoundland, along with some of the religious orders in Peru provided financial resources to obtain furniture and roofing for the people.  Other aid came from the Peruvian government and other international agencies.

Supporting the Ministry – Misericordia Mission Fund

Donations to the Misericordia Mission Fund, a registered charity established by the Sisters of Mercy of Newfoundland, are used in Peru to provide basic needs for poor families – food, clothing, fuel, medicine, education and shelter. Many children receive basic education and sometimes post secondary education through donations to the fund.

Educational programs and materials, e.g. reading materials,  computers, student supplies are made available when resources allow. Emphasis is placed on working with women in areas of family care, health, nutrition, sewing, gardening, etc.  Opportunities are provided for men and women to develop skills in carpentry and farming of family gardens – a cooperative venture to help people help themselves. Medical needs in the form of prescription drugs, diagnostic tests, x-rays, and special procedures or treatments are also provided through the fund.

Educational programs and materials, e.g. reading materials,  computers, student supplies are made available when resources allow. Emphasis is placed on working with women in areas of family care, health, nutrition, sewing, gardening, etc.  Opportunities are provided for men and women to develop skills in carpentry and farming of family gardens – a cooperative venture to help people help themselves. Medical needs in the form of prescription drugs, diagnostic tests, x-rays, and special procedures or treatments are also provided through the fund.

All donations to the Misericordia Mission Fund are used in their entirety for the needs of poor people. Donations are received by the Misericordia Mission Fund in Newfoundland and are distributed by the Sisters who are ministering in Peru. Income tax receipts are issued for all donations to the fund.

Misericordia Mission Fund
P.O. Box 1757
St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada, A1C 5P5
Telephone: 709-726-7320
Fax: 709-726-4414
E-mail: mercygeneralate@sistersofmercynf.org